In the heart of Cheshire 
Next meeting 5/10/23 6.30pm at The Salt Barge pub - all welcome 
Marston Parish Council are to start up their plans to draw up a Neighbourhood Plan, first meeting will be on 12th June 2023, 6.30pm at The Salt Barge Inn - all welcome, nay, encouraged to attend 
A Neighbourhood Plan (sometimes called a Neighbourhood Development Plan) is a way of helping local communities to influence the planning of the area in which they live and work. Develop a shared vision for your neighbourhood. Choose where new homes, shops, offices and other development should be built and how it should look. 
However, we cannot do it without your help. Currently only a number of your councillors are involved and to help us progress the plan in a timely manner help from residents is essential, it is importantly, your plan and importantly needs your input. 
You don’t need any form of formal qualifications to get involved just a sense of community and a willingness to give your opinion and help out where required. 
We have already completed a residents questionnaire where you were asked what you like/dislike about your village and what improvements you would like to see. We will be using this information to help form the plan. However this was a number of years ago and we may need to question you again; a lot has happened over the past few years especially because of COVID-19 and we need to take into consideration the here and now. 
We will also be asking the businesses within our villages about their place in the village and their thoughts on the future. Whether you work form home, are self employed or run a business within the village (with or without premises) we need your input. 
Please come along to the next meeting and have your say on what happens within your village. 
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